Thursday, August 30, 2012

We all have heard about 2nd hand smoke, but 3rd hand?

We've all heard about the dangers of second hand smoke, but what about third-hand smoke?

New evidence supports third-hand smoke may be just as dangerous, especially to children.

What is third-hand smoke? Third-hand smoke is the chemical residue created by cigarettes, and it clings to bedding, carpet, furniture, clothes and your environment. The residue contains the same cancer-causing chemicals that are in cigarettes. Cigarette and other tobacco smoke contain more than 4,000 different chemicals including benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, tar, and carbon monoxide.

Children exposed to third-hand smoke are put at greater risk for chronic ear infections, chronic respiratory infections, and possibly far more serious problems that are still unknown.

This new look at third-hand smoke proves that the only way to prevent adults and children from toxic smoke exposure 100% is to quit smoking, period. These chemicals seep into clothes and hair, which means that even limiting smoking to outdoors still puts children at risk.

Although the concept of third hand smoke is relatively new, studies show that third hand residue can become airborne again- a vicious cycle that is only stopped by quitting smoking.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's been nice receiving all the compliments and well wishes on our 9th Anniversary.  I've been asked a variety or questions as well, does it ever get old?  Do you still have the passion you did when you started?  I bet you have seen some scary scenario's over the years?  Did you ever feel that you're treating someone, and they have no intentions of Quitting Smoking?  What is the most addictive patient that you have treated, by that I mean how many packs of cigarettes a day did they smoke?  Do you or have you treated for any other addictions?
If your mind has thought about it, we have probably treated or helped a patient Quit Smoking.  It never gets boring and we never get two patients with the same DNA or chemical makeup!  I love doing what I do, as it is a challenge everyday.  If it was easy, it wouldn't be any fun, and we would become bored.  So thank you for the 9 years, and we will continue to help those wishing to kick the habit, and lead a healthier lifestyle!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Matha's Vineyard

I would like to thank the entire group for their hospitality while I was there treating the group.  Congratulations to you ALL for going thru the program and Quitting Smoking!!  If you need anything, please don't hesitate to give us a call or drop me an e-mail.  Again Congratulations!!!