Friday, February 24, 2012

Smoke Cessation Program

A lot of people ask, how does Low Level Laser Therapy work to help me quit smoking?  Is there zapping involved?  What do you do zap, my brain?  Does it hurt?  Where do you Laser me?  Can I drive home afterwards?  I will answer the above questions, and if there are some other questions that you may have, this is the place to ask them.

Ok, first of all, there is NO ZAPPING!  Low Level Laser Therapy is totally painless & non-invasive.  We work on the acupressure points of the body, more commonly known as the auricular and meridian points of the body.  The arricular & meridian points allow us to control various addicting issues a patient would normally go through when trying to quit smoking.  The most demanding being the "cravings & withdrawals", their appetite, and irritability.  We have not only been able to take care of the most demanding aspects of the addiction listed above, but also, NO SIDE EFFECTS!  It doesn't matter what type of medications you're on!  When the treatment is done, you're left in a very relaxed state, and a good sense of well being!  I hope this helps you with the process and the first step for you is, set a date in your mind when you would like to quit. Then pick up the phone and make the appointment - our number is (603) 644-QUIT (7848).

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